Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med. univ. Thomas W. Weiss

Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. med. univ. Thomas W. Weiss

Faculty Medicine
E-mail Thomas.Weiss@med.sfu.ac.at
Location Vienna

Field of work

Chair of Noninvasive and Experimental Cardiology


Prof. Weiss is a senior physician at the 3rd Medical Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine at the Wilhelminenspital in Vienna. There he is in the cardiac catheter team, head of the hypertension outpatient clinic and deputy head of department. His main research interests are acute myocardial infarction, thrombocardiology and arterial hypertension. After graduating from the University of Vienna, in addition to his training in Vienna, he spent time abroad at the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases and Monash University in Melbourne (2 years) and at the University Hospital for Cardiology in Oslo, Norway (4 years). He is a habilitated vascular biologist (MUW) and holds a PhD from the University of Oslo.