Faculty Psychotherapy Science
stephan.steiner@sfu.ac.atLocation Vienna
Field of work
Head of the Intstitute of Transcultural and Historical Research / research and teaching
Historian, literary scholar, essayist. Most recently published: Combating the Hydra: Violence and Resistance in the Habsburg Empire, 1500-1900 (Purdue University Press 2023) and ‘Das Reich Gottes hier in Wien’: Evangelisches Leben in der Reichshauptstadt während der Regierungsjahre Kaiser Karls VI. (Böhlau 2021). Studies on the history of violence, including Rückkehr unerwünscht: Deportationen in der Habsburgermonarchie der Frühen Neuzeit und ihr historischer Kontext (Böhlau 2014); Reisen ohne Wiederkehr: Die Deportation von Protestanten aus Kärnten 1734-1736 (Oldenbourg 2007). Filmography on Austrian concentration camp survivors. Editor of the political writings of Jean Améry. Designer of thematic booklets on the genocide in Rwanda and on ‘gypsies’ in the early modern period. Coordinator of the Vienna presentation of the exhibition War of Extermination: Crimes of the Wehrmacht. Co-editor of Early Modern Info. Radiophonic work for the ORF. Lectures, e.g. Trinity Hall / Cambridge; EHESS and Collège de France, Paris as well as at numerous other universities and research institutions in Europe and North America.