Faculty Psychotherapy Science
info@transformative-koerperpsychotherapie.deLocation Berlin
Field of work
Lecturer for Body Psychotherapy, Theorems, Principles, Methods
Studied education, german literture, sociology and psychology in the seventies at the university of Göttingen; training in neoreichian bodypsychotherapy (Biodynamic psychology and Biosynthesis) since 1978, many different further trainings in breaththerapy, Traumatherapy, Transpersonal psychology (S.Grof), Psychoonkology (W.Büntig), Reichian Analysis etc.
Working as a psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer for BPT in her own practice; founder and director of the Aus-und Fortbildungszentrum Transformative BPT Berlin since 1993. Lecturer on several congresses of the European and German Association for Bodypsychotherapy. Author of several articles in BPT