Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Poltrum

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Poltrum

Faculty Psychotherapy Science
E-mail martin.poltrum@sfu.ac.at
Location Vienna

Field of work

Scientific staff,
Head of Doctoral Studies in Psychotherapy Science


Studied philosophy and education in Innsbruck, Vienna and Seville. Psychotherapist. Teaching therapist. 2003 PhD. 2014 Habilitation at SFU. Head of the German Doctoral Programme in Psychotherapy Science and Deputy Head of the Institute for Institute for Behavioural Addictions and Addiction Research at SFU. Teaching therapist for existential analysis at Danube University Krems. Editor-in-chief and publisher of: Rausch – Vienna Journal for Addiction Therapy.
Latest publication: M. Poltrum et al. (Hg. 2023), The Oxford Handbook of Mental Health and Contemporary Western Aesthetics, Oxford University Press.
Teaching focus: Publication, research and teaching activities in the field of addiction research and at the interface of philosophy, psychotherapy, ethics, aesthetics and medical humanities.

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