Dr. med. Andrea Friedrichs-Dachale

Dr. med. Andrea Friedrichs-Dachale

Faculty Psychotherapy Science
E-mail dr.friedrichs-dachale@web.de
Locations Berlin, Vienna

Field of work

Lecturer Berlin


After Appobation in Medicine further training to become a specialist in neurology and psychiatry, psychotherapy, specialist in psychosomatic medicine.
Senior physician in the section of psychotherapy at the ASKLEPIOS Fachklinikum in Göttingen, leeding the psychiatric-psychotherapeutic day-care hospital.
Teaching therapist and lecturer at the for Guided Affective Imagery and Imaginative Procedures in psychotherapy/ Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Katathymes Bilderleben und Imaginative Verfahren in der Psychotherapie (DGKIP / AGKB)
Lecturer and chairwoman of the board of the Institute for the Promotion of Imagination in Consulting and Supervision e.V. / Institut zur Förderung der Imagination in Beratung und Supervision e.V. (IFI-BS)
Lecturer at the Göttingen Academy for Psychotherapy e.V. (GAP)
Guest lecturer at the Psychological Institute of the University of Kassel